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  Question Asked By: Carolina Lopez   on Sep 30 In Java Category.

Question Answered By: Rosa Reynolds   on Sep 30

My question here would be, Do you already have user  profile or are yo asking as how to get user data and how to store it? There are two different aspects into this

one is how to get user profile into your web  application in a secure sensible manner
and the other is how to persist this user profile

If you have already decided as how to establish a secure connection with the web application  client, then the only thing remains; is how to persist user profile into your database. For that you can use on of the existing practices of CMP, BMP, DAO, etc which completely depends on your architecture. but as you are concerned about writing less code, you should have a look at CMP. This somehow needs declarative approach which almost doesn't need any effort from component provider.

JAAS is not for DB connections. It looks to me that you are trying to handle authentication and authorization programmatically. To establish a secure connection you have a set of choices of handling security  declaratively, programmatically or both. all the choices are open to you, all you need to be careful is to follow the ten steps of making secure connections to avoid any hacking and also ensuring privacy.



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