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  Question Asked By: Fahimah Khan   on Jun 20 In Java Category.

Question Answered By: Horia Ahmed   on Jun 20

A decent farsi  analyzer for lucene  is definitely a very useful thing. It's essential to farsi any web  site developed in Java. Unfortunately the spirit of open source is not prominent in Iran at all. We are a secretive society and we love hiding our code! ;-) Why is it that there's no site for sharing tricks for making this or that framework or toolkit farsi compatible? Why this analyzer code is not open source? Why universities hide the results of their projects? It's 21 century for god's sake! I think it's fair to say that the importance of such activities is more than some obscure robocup tournament!!

We need to encourage code/knowledge sharing.

I would like to see some people volunteer to setup a persian wiki or something for java code and knowledge sharing. This may need some tiny funds too, which is obtainable definitely, from sharif or mokhaberat or some other source. On that wiki there could be links to projects hosted on other places such as sourceforge or java.net. I'm not advocating creating a pesianforge.net though! I know java.net is censored, but setting up such an alternative is way too much work.
