This calendar is developed in a hurry in a project during a 7 days(near 20 Hour daily from start)
and there are some weaknesses in this hurry, the base algorithm is used from the
experiences and works of Mr Ghasem kyani moghadam, that are used in the code by some changes. The main work was on jsp
for organizing the days of weeks related to the months in the table ....,
and nima has made a good looking for that too, for more details you can see the Mr Ghasemi website here :
Another things is that i'm working on a similar project in JavaScript (DHTML + AJAX), like
the DOJO ones but in persian like this merely (, in the "see in action" tab, in the "Form Widgets" demo part with the name CiviCrmDateTimePicker).
if any body like to help me and continue the way nima started i'm ready to go on the stoped work to distribute open source activities like this but some thing make me unsatisfied for going on specially at this time that i have lost my job, is that many rich companies uses such works and don't want to help us till we can strength such open source activities more in our country.