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Forum updates on "xml, xsl"

name was started with an invalid character Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet
I am getting following error message. Error Message: A name was started with an invalid charact...
If want to create an if-block in a xslt-file:0In the "expr" I ...
Create PDF Report From XML & XSL
i have a problem on PDF Report creation(on farsi language).i use from xmlmill(http://www.xmlmill.c...
Xalan (XML + XSL) Transformation
Please, what is wrong in this code?It is a class to transform a XML file using a XSLT file.It ...
xsl doubt
I have a xsl file which has a variable with xml file loaded using...
DocBook -> [XSLT] -> XSL:FO -> [FOP] -> PDF
I´ve been trying to convert DocBook files into PDF files but ithasn´t been working very well.I...
XSL - Need help in grouping data
Can grouping be done using XSL? Specifically, I have data which ispulled by month, state. I need t...
validate xml document with xerces 2 throw xml schema
Can you help me validating an xml document throw an xml schema??Have I to set up a custom URL sett...
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