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Forum updates on "personaljava on pocket pc 2002"

PersonalJava on Pocket PC 2002
Hava anyone built Java application on PDA running Pocket PC 2002 ?I went to java website http://ja...
Pocket PC 2002 PDA to dail a phone number
I am trying to put a link in HTML web page with frontpage2000 for aPocket PC 2002 PDA to dail a ph...
Pocket PC
I need a PersonalJava compatible VM to install onPocket PC. I think the most popular one is JEODO ...
Absolute vs. Relative References in Excel 2002
Any idea why Excel 2002 will only allow absolute references whenrecording macros?The icon for ...
Excel 1997 / 2002 Compatibility Issues
I recently wrote a macro to do (amongst other things) clear the contents of aseries of cells on a ...
Excel 2002 UDF
I have a formula I want to turn into a user defined function. The formula is=LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1)-...
Transferring files between two PC's
I need to write a java program to transfer files between twocomputers connected directly by a netw...
How to make my mobile phone communicate with PC using J2ME
hy i have just joined this fantastic group. i have a problem plz help to sovlethis.i want to m...
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Article updates on "personaljava on pocket pc 2002"

Artificial Intelligence sessional paper of year 2002
Artificial Intelligence sessional paper of year 2002.
Artificial Intelligence sessional paper - 2 of year 2002
Artificial Intelligence sessional paper - 2 of year 2002
Networking Technology- 1 sessional paper of year 2002
Networking Technology sessional paper of year 2002
Networking Technology - 2 sessional paper of year 2002
Networking Technology - 2 sessional paper of year 2002
Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods first sessional paper - 1 of year 2002
Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods first sessional paper - 1 of year 2002
Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods second sessional paper - 1 of year 2002
Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods second sessional paper - 1 of year 2002
Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods university paper of year 2002
Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods university paper of year 2002.
Networking Technologies - 2 university paper - 1 of year 2002
Networking Technologies - 2 university paper - 1 of year 2002.
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Video updates on "personaljava on pocket pc 2002"