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Forum updates on "find word from long statement"

Find Word from long statement
I have written a long statement in a cell, and i wantto find particular word from it, is there any...
jdbc and statement.executeQuery() throws, statement.execute() doesn
I am connecting to an oracle database via JDBC and Java like this:[Code]Class.forName("oracle.jd...
jdbc and statement.executeQuery() throws, statement.execute() doesn
I am connecting to an oracle database via JDBC and Java like this:Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.dri...
statement.executeQuery() crashes query if no records found
I'm using JDBC to connect to a MS-Access database. I get ResultSetsreturned from statement.execute...
seeking the word or integer word
how can I find the word or the number on a activated sheet via using VBA?Besides, after the word o...
using find find all
i have a find box in a form, which in turn loads a combo box.whilst it is okay to "find" if you ex...
Excel VBA, is there an "IF" statement verifying toolbar exist
Excel VBA,is there an "IF" statement verifying that a toolbar existin order to delete the toolba...
Help with nested if statement - with and & or
Having a brain freeze - can't get the syntax quite right. Hopingsomeone can help me ...ColA ...
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Article updates on "find word from long statement"

Program in CORBA which takes a long sentence from client (at least 7 words), passes to the server,
Write a program in CORBA which takes a long sentence from the client (at least 7 words), passes to t...
Program in CORBA which takes a long sentence from the client (at least 7 words), passes to the ser
program in CORBA which takes a long sentence from the client (at least 7 words), passes to the serve...
Program to find smaller or greater numbers using if statement
Write a program to find smaller or greater numbers using if statement.
Program to find greatest number from two numbers using if statement
Write a program to find greatest number from two numbers using if statement.
program which takes a long sentence from the client passes to the server,server separates out each
Write a program in CORBA which takes a long sentence from the client (at least 7 words), passes to t...
Decision Making and Branching using if statement , switch statement , conditional operator and got
This article explains about decision making and branching is performed using if statement, switch st...
Decision Making and Looping using while statement , do while loop , for statement
This article explains about how decision making is done in looping in C programming.
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Interview FAQ updates on "find word from long statement"

What is a control word?
It is a word stored in a register (control register) used to control the operation of a program digi...
Find if the following function prototype contains any error: double area(int )
Optionsa) No errorb) Variable name is not included in the argument listc) Semicolon is not f...
How do assemblies find each other?
By searching directory paths. There are several factors that can affect the path (such as the AppDom...
The statement int main() is a which statement
Optionsa) function prototypeb) function callc) function header lined) None of the above ...
Give the different types of command words used in 8259a?
The command words of 8259A are classified in two groups1. Initialization command words (ICWs)2. ...
What is the purpose of control word written to control register in 8255?
The control words written to control register specify an I/O function for each I.O port. The bit D7 ...
Which statement(s) is NOT true about catch (…) statement? - Select option
I. All the throws are not caught by catch (…) statementII. Catch (…) statement should always be pl...
Which of the following statement(s) is true according to the following statement? p=*ptr;
Optionsa) p must be a pointer variableb) The value of ptr is assigned to the variable pc) Th...
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Video updates on "find word from long statement"

Examples on "find word from long statement"

How to compare and find records for only Today's date
h2 and for code use pre-->This article will explains you how to compare whether given da...
How to compare and find records for only Yesterday's date
h2 and for code use pre-->This article will explains you how to compare whether given da...
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