You have to write code to utilize the progress bar. You will want to
create a separate module for this. I use the following code, and port it
to all my programs where I use a progress bar. The only changes you will
want to make to the following is the name of the form, and name of your
Progress Bar control.
When you call this procedure, you need to pass through the total count
of what you are processing, along with the current position you are at.
The program will convert these values into percentages.
Sub IncreaseBar(Count As Long, iISBNCount As Long)
Dim Percent As String
Dim PercentLabel As String
Dim NumRecs As String
Dim i As String
'Put integers into strings
NumRecs = iISBNCount
i = Count
'Increase progress bar
Percent = getPercentage(i, NumRecs)
PercentLabel = Percent & "%"
frmISBNCheck!pbConvert.Value = Percent
frmISBNCheck!lblPercent.Caption = PercentLabel ' I also show a
percentage label along side of the control, you don't need this if you
don't want it.
End Sub
Function getPercentage(ProgressBarCurrentValue As String,
ProgressBarMaxValue As String) As String
'calculate Percentage
getPercentage = Format(Val(Val(ProgressBarCurrentValue /
ProgressBarMaxValue) * 100), "0")
End Function