I apologize for asking this question if it has been asked and
answered previously. I spent several hours searching the forum
archives and online for a solution.
Unfortunately, while I'm a pretty good excel user, I know nothing
about VBA programming, although I just order Excel VBA programming
for Dummies. What I need to do is to have a value that is updated
via a DDE link placed as a value in another cell at different
intervals throughout the day.
B1 thru Z1 = Header with the time I need the snapshoot
A2 = Contstantly updating value
So, at say 7:00am, which is B1, I want it to take the dynamic value
in A2 and place it in B2 and stay that way until the next day at
7:00am. At 7:30am, do the same thing, but place it in C2, etc....
throughout the day.
I've seen examples that are close to what I need with the Change
function in VBA, unfortunately, every change would provide way to
much information and I only need snapshots based on the time interval
I define in the headers.
Hopefully this made sense. Does anyone have or know of a solution
for this?