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Is there any GIS related API available in java

  Asked By: Don    Date: Apr 07    Category: Java    Views: 997

I just wanted to know that Do we have any API using which it is possible to
build our own GIS tool...

Or something like, a tool which can be easily interfaced with java to work as a
GIS system..

I have got this Geotools APIs and i am going through it right now... but i would
like to know more about this tool and also about any other alternate tool that
we can use

please help me out in this regard....



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: James Williams     Answered On: Apr 07

We prefer ESRI MAPX win32 release for our products. I know that there is a Java
version of this package too. You can search ESRI's site for more information.

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