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How to add reference in Excel dynamically

  Asked By: Cesar    Date: Mar 15    Category: MS Office    Views: 1119

I have couple of query regarding Excel.please help me to solve it.

First is that i want to add "MICROSOFT SCRIPT RUNTIME" (Reference
object) in my sheet so that i can use filesystem object.I can manually
ad it through the folllowing way:

in VBE->Tools|References|MIcrosoft Script Runtime

But i want to add this through coding when my workbook opens.How can i
do for this.

Second Query is that can we know that the particular excel file is
opened for first time or not? Means i want to do some works if the
excel file is opened for the first time like any other software which
requires Registration info when it is running first time? Is it
Possible? if Yes How it can be done?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Jake Williams     Answered On: Mar 15

The way other software  decides it is being run for the first time  is to look
for things it plans to do (like registration  entries, etc). If they aren't
there, then it hasn't been run before.

However, if these things are removed by other actions, then the software
will incorrectly assume it hasn't been run before.

You can do the same with Excel. Looking perhaps for files that the
"registration" would create.

These days, however, much software simply uses its install program to set up
what it needs and doesn't have to check for first run.

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