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  Asked By: Dukker    Date: Sep 21    Category: Java    Views: 839

I'm experimenting with a SVG toolkit Batik1.5.1. I'm using jdk1.3.1 on
windows98. I placed the batik jar files in jre/lib/ext. I can get my
experiments to compile with no errors. But invoking java gives me an
exception at main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: (name of package).
Yet invoking the debugger jdb the application runs no problem. Does the
debugger use a different classloader than java? I'm confused. Please Help.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Jamie Williams     Answered On: Sep 21

i suppose that u have more then 1 jdk or jre installation.
jdb.exe and java.exe may be use different path informaiton.
try to run java.exe with real path info.

use c:\java\j2se\java com.blabla.main
instead of java  com.blabla.main

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