
Wiki Articles on list

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Milind - Prolog program to find last item of the listFeb 22
Milind - Prolog program to find maximum number from a listFeb 22
Milind - Prolog program to find the nth element of a listFeb 22
Milind - Prolog program to define the relation translate(L1,L2) to...Feb 22
Milind - Program that defines a relation split(L,P,N) where list is...Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program to reverse a list using concatenate Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program to reverse a given ListFeb 22
Milind - Prolog program to find the permutations of a given list i.e....Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program to check whether a list is an ordered list or...Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program to write the elements of the list line by lineFeb 22
Milind - Prolog program to merge two ordered list generating an...Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program that defines a predicate maxlist (L,Max)...Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program to find the sum of the elements in the listFeb 22
Milind - Prolog program to concatenate two lists, an element is a...Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program to insert an element anywhere in the listFeb 22
Milind - Prolog program to generate the sublist of a given listFeb 22
Milind - Prolog program to find the nth element of a list Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program to define two predicates evenlength(List) and...Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program to find whether the length of a list is even...Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program to define a relation dividelist (L,L1,L2) so...Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program to delete an element from a given list...Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program to delete an element from a list using...Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program that defines a relation count(A,L,N) that...Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program to define the relation last(item,list) so...Feb 22
Milind - Prolog program Define the relation last(item,list) so that...Feb 21
Milind - Prolog program to add an element to the begining of a listFeb 21
Milind - Prolog program to define the relation translate(List1,...Feb 21
Milind - Prolog program to define the relation shift(List1, List2) so...Feb 21
Milind - Prolog program to define the relation shift(List1, List2) so...Feb 21
Milind - Prolog program to reverse a given listFeb 21
Milind - Prolog program to check whether a given list is palindrome...Feb 21
Milind - Prolog program of predicate ordered (List) which is true if...Feb 21
Milind - Prolog program to use of listFeb 21
Milind - Prolog program to find the length of a given listFeb 21
Milind - Prolog program to find sum of all the numbers in a given listFeb 21
Milind - Prolog program to check whether a number is a member of...Feb 21
Milind - Prolog program to find the last element in a given listFeb 21
Milind - Prolog program to delete an element from a given listFeb 21
Shruti - List the four ways you can change column width?Jan 20
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