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Recording of webinar '10 Silverlight Tips' by Gill Cleeren

 Watch a recording of Gill Cleeren's webinar '10 Silverlight Tips' delivered on October 27th, 2010. Download the slides and demos used during this webinar at www.silverlightshow.net The 10 Silverlight ...


MVVM in WPF and Silverlight - Part 1

 This video is part of a series of screencasts that I recorded to demonstrate how to apply the MVVM (model-view-viewmodel) architecture in WPF and Silverlight applications. In this first part I show ho...


Computer Software & Tech Support : What Is Microsoft Silverlight?

 Microsoft Silverlight is a version of flash that allows Web developers to put animations and interactive controls inside of their Web pages. Use Microsoft Silverlight as an interactivity component tha...


Silverlight at Streaming Media East

 For more episodes of Technology Today Web Edition, go to www.zoom-in.com Sean Alexander of Microsoft delivered the keynote at Streaming Media East, introducing his company's new interactive video plug...


Microsoft Silverlight

 Microsoft Silverlight is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web. This demo shows the f...


Silverlight Blueprint for SharePoint - Navigation Control

 Today at SharePoint Conference, Microsoft announces Silverlight Blueprint for SharePoint. It consists of source code and guidance for developers describing how to use Microsoft Silverlight and Microso...

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