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Software Project Management in 15 Minutes Part 1

 BasDeBaar.com It's late Friday afternoon and you have just been told by your boss that you will be the project manager for a new software development project starting first thing on Monday morning. Co...
Category:Project Management


The Ultimate Trick to Software Project Management

 BasDeBaar.com My first video report (recorded in 2004).
Category:Project Management


Wicket Link Show Hide.avi

 This video shows the Apache Wicket handling of browser tags using OOP's concept.
Category:OOPs Concept


Stronger- Sharpay Evans/Ashley Tisdale

 Okay so this was a weird concept I put together. It's going two ways... It looks like Ashley is singing the song (I know it's REALLY Britney Spears) and basically there are random clips of her as hers...
Category:OOPs Concept


Oops I Did It Again

 A video I did for a third year After Effects Motion project at Ryerson University. The requirement of the project was to take an 'intangible' concept in the world and realistically represent it someho...
Category:OOPs Concept


Oops I shit My Pants

 Jim and Paul doing their original, oops I shit my pants. What a concept.
Category:OOPs Concept

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