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Informix Dynamic Server and Websphere MQ integration

 describes how application interacting with IDS and Websphere MQ. Podcast by Keshava Murthy, Architect, IBM.
Category:RDBMS Terms


Lecture - 1 Introduction to Software Engineering

 Lecture Series on Software Engineering by Prof.NL Sarda, Prof. Umesh Bellur,Prof.RKJoshi and Prof.Shashi Kelkar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering ,IIT Bombay . For more details on NPTEL vi...
Category:Software Engineering


Careers in Engineering: Computer Science & Software Engineering

 Find out what sort of jobs a degree in Computer Science and Software Engineering will get you in the Melbourne School of Engineering "Careers in Engineering" series. This profile focuses on the Managi...
Category:Software Engineering


A Day in the Life - Computer Software Engineer

 A typical day in the life of a Computer Software Engineer. Courtesy of CareerOneStop. Learn how to get there at www.MYCAREERRX.com. Colleges Educate. We Create Careers.
Category:Software Engineering


"What can we learn from software engineering and why?"

 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE School of Computing CSSEMINAR TITLE : "What can we learn from software engineering and why?" SPEAKER : Prof. Mehdi Jazayeri University of Lugano Switzerland TIME : Apr...
Category:Software Engineering


Software Engineering - Microsoft Visual Studio Team System

 Sam Guckenheimer has been the chief customer advocate for VSTS, responsible for its end-to-end external design. He describes his book, Software Engineering with Microsoft Visual Studio Team System, as...
Category:Software Engineering

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