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Building a JavaScript-Based Game Engine for the Web

 Google Tech Talk June 11, 2010 ABSTRACT Presented by Paul Bakaus. There are many professional game engines out there for consoles, PCs, and mobile handhelds. However, there is one big empty gap, even ...


Javascript Tutorial - 1 - Introduction to Javascript

 visit thenewboston.com for all my tutorials!


Node.js: JavaScript on the Server

 Google Tech Talk July 28, 2010 ABSTRACT Presented by Ryan Dahl, the creator of the node.JS open source project. It is well known that event loops rather than threads are required for high-performance ...


Best Practices in Javascript Library Design

 Google Tech Talks August 17, 2007 ABSTRACT This talk explores all the techniques used to build a robust, reusable, cross-platform JavaScript Library. We'll look at how to write a solid JavaScript API,...


Speed Up Your JavaScript

 Google Tech Talk June 4, 2009 ABSTRACT Web Exponents: Speed Up Your JavaScript Presented by Nicholas C. Zakas. As an interpreted language, JavaScript is filled with hidden performance issues that cons...


Essentials of the DOM and JavaScript in 10 Minutes

 A screencast of an upcoming workshop on DOM and JavaScript explaining the elements of the DOM and how to script it in JavaScript

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