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VB.NET - How To Make a TCP or UDP Windows Application - MSWinSock.ocx - Simple Detailed Tutorial

 Get The Code - unknownuserace001.webs.com Here's a very simple TCP / UDP Application that will send a string of text to yourself, your job is to copy and paste the other application on the other compu...


VB.NET 2008 T0001 - How to make Desktop for your OS

 In this video, I will teach you how to create a Desktop for your OS. If you are lazy to watch, why not to download it? :) You can find all downloads of mine at: www.mediafire.com This video was posted...


VB.NET Tutorial 2 - Hello World (Visual Basic 2008/2010)

 This tutorial will help you create your first application in Visual Basic 2008. I apologize for the vague explanations and stuttering, I recorded this video after college and I'm not too alert at the ...


VB.NET Tutorial 39 - Web Page Source Code (Visual Basic 2008/2010)

 In this tutorial, we cover using the HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse. We use it to obtain the source code of a web page that I have created. We also use the Stream Reader to handle the text and the...


VB.NET Tutorial 41 - Website Login (Visual Basic 2008/2010)

 First of all I'd like to apologize for the two week gap in videos, I've been busy lately. Anyway, this video will teach you how to login to a website using document.getelementbyid. The code will basic...


VB.NET Tutorial 10 - Menu Strip (Visual Basic 2008/2010)

 This tutorial will introduce the Menu Strip in Visual Basic 2008. The Menu Strip is a feature you will see on every application today. It has a very professional look and will limit the buttons that y...

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