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News Update: Microsoft Announced Agreements Related To Its Azure Operating System

 Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) announced agreements with Dell (NASDAQ:DELL), Hewlett-Packard (NYSE:HPQ) and eBay (NASDAQ:EBAY) related to its Windows Azure cloud-computing operating system. The company did n...


Cloud Datacenters: Microsoft Azure vs. Amazon EC2

 Here I talk about the new Cloud Datacenters which have been under construction for a couple of years now, and have rolled out some huge cloud computing capacity and unique new services. Microsoft Azur...


Dell's strategic partnership with Microsoft through Windows Azure - WPC 2010

 Peter Altabef, President of Dell Services, answers questions about Dell's new strategic partnership with Microsoft through Windows Azure. Live from the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in Washin...


Force.com vs Windows Azure

 A comparison of how easy it is to get to the cloud with Windows Azure and Force.com. Try it yourself at free.force.com


How to signup for Microsoft SQL Azure - Cloud based database

 www.SQLAzureTutorials.com In this tutorial video on SQL Azure, we cover Microsoft SQL Azure signup process. SQL Azure is a cloud based relational database built on SQL server technologies. It is a sca...


Microsoft Azure - Paul Lappas

 Paul Lappas, VP Engineering - GoGrid (San Francisco, CA). GoGrid allows its customers to launch Linux or Windows based virtual machines in minutes using a web browser or API. GoGrid provides services ...

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