
BizTalk Server Videos

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BizTalk Server 2006 - Error Message Handling

 Learn about one of the strongest new features in BizTalk Server 2006: a structured method for handling messages that error out. Email biztalk@unitekconsulting.com for a hi-res version.
Category:BizTalk Server


BizTalk Server 2006 - Custom Mapping Functoid

 Learn how to create and deploy a custom mapping functoid. Email biztalk@unitekconsulting.com for a hi-res version.
Category:BizTalk Server


BizTalk Server 2006 - HIPAA Accelerator, part 1

 Learn about what exactly one gets with the HIPAA Accelerator. Email biztalk@unitekconsulting.com for a hi-res version and for part 2 on HIPAA Adapter & HIPAA Schemas.
Category:BizTalk Server


BizTalk Server 2006 Application Deployment

 Learn how to easily and quickly deploy your BizTalk Server 2006 solutions. Email biztalk@unitekconsulting.com for a hi-res version.
Category:BizTalk Server


Sending BizTalk Messages to Microsoft Dynamics Using the eConnect Adapter

 In this demonstration, you will examine the schema structure of Microsoft Dynamics messages. You will then see how to configure the BizTalk Server eConnect send adapter in order to send messages to Mi...
Category:BizTalk Server

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