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Forum updates on "rescue cd hung"

rescue cd hung
After using the rescue cd to extend a windows partition i the exitedusing the command "shutdown -r...
Can't read all CD's or DVD's
I have a weird problem. Have just cleanly reinstalled Feisty and addedsome applications via Synapt...
Ubuntu to the Rescue
a large fact about me is I always find a way to damage mycomputer and require reinstall.... since ...
cant boot any windows cd after installing ubuntu
I installed 12.04 on my laptop to get used to using.I had a issues with my xp install and I put in...
i have an old xp box that wont run dvd. if i want to install a new os, i mustinstall my old 1004, ...
Debian linux DVD or CD
Can anyone guide me from where i will get Debain Linux CD or DVD easily. I amtrying to download fr...
mp3 player and CD mp3 ripper ?
I have a dedicated PC for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS.I need to be able to rip from CD to mp3 format and als...
Unbuntu CD and I want to try to install it
I'll try and keep this as brief as I can.I have a Unbuntu CD and Iwant to try to install it.I have...
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Video updates on "rescue cd hung"

Article updates on "rescue cd hung"

Changing current directory - cd
This article explains about cd command with an example in unix.
Unix Commands and description of ls,logout,mkdir,rmdir,rm,cd,man,talk,write,pico,pine,more,sz,rz,t
Unix Commands and description of ls, logout, mkdir, rmdir, rm,cd, man, talk, write, pico, pine, more...
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