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Forum updates on "hibernate tools"

Hibernate Tools
There are lots of tools out there for Hibernate, Which one are you using:Middelgen,HibernateTool...
what is the best hibernate reverse engineering tools
I have one oracle database schema that already existI want to generate hbms from that database sch...
Hibernate mapping many to many ewlationships hibernate
i have two tablesSTUDENT(sname string , slastname string , sid int(PK))COURSE(cname string , cla...
Hibernate and User Defined Types Persistence
How can I persist a class with user defined-types attributes usingHibernate?For instance: I´d ...
hibernate, restart, shut down on Ubuntu 9.10
The hibernate, restart, shut down on Ubuntu 9.10 all appear to defaultto the restart mode.This...
Compiz Slow after Hibernate/Resume
I'm using Hardy, just put it back on my laptop and I didn't reallyuse Compiz but every once in a w...
when i put my computer in hibernate, it wont start back on, what can ido to fix the problem? the o...
NVidia Hibernate Failure
I Have Suspend fully functional with my Dell Inspiron 8200 usingthe binary nvidia driver. However,...
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Video updates on "hibernate tools"

Interview FAQ updates on "hibernate tools"

What tools can I use to develop .NET applications?
There are a number of tools, described here in ascending order of cost:The .NET Framework SDK is...
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