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Forum updates on "consider a class x, which includes a virtual function called x_output"

bookuser class calls the book class and uses it to print out a book title
please can some one help me. i can'nt get the problem below to work.The bookuser class calls the b...
where should i include function
this is a simple problem , yet i cannotfigure where to include the function add?I get error mesa...
To include class files in java package
Suppose i have got the following java files1.java, 2.java and 3.java3.java is the main file whic...
Error: 'TestCmd.Foo.Response()' is a new virtual member in a sealed class 'TestCmd.Foo'
I am getting following error any idea, what could be the possible cause. class Class1 { ...
help loading classes with the Class class
I would like to create an application that will dynamicly load classfiles.. I don't understand how...
can any body tell me difference between and include directive tag
can any body tell me difference between and include directive tag
What is the difference between <@ include> & <%jsp:include%>
1)What is the difference between<@ include> & <%jsp:include%>2)In two ways we can crete thread...
Call C function through Java
If anyone know about that then please let me know.I have one data.dll and in data.dll there is a...
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Article updates on "consider a class x, which includes a virtual function called x_output"

Program to show an example of Calling a Base Class Method from a Derived Class
A Java Program to show an example of Calling a Base Class Method from a Derived Class.
Program to maintain employee information also illustrate virtual class and inheritance
Write a Program to maintain employees information. Program should also illustrate Virtual Class and...
Program to illustrate virtual function and Inheritance
Write a menu driven program to illustrate inheritance and virtual function in c++
Program to illustrate the use of call-by-value method in functions
A C++ Program to illustrate the use of call-by-value method in functions.
Program to illustrate the use of call-by-refrence method in functions
A C++ Program to illustrate the use of call-by-reference method in functions.
Program that provides an example of call by value for functions
Write a program that provides an example of call by value for functions.
Program that provides an example of passing objects to function using call by reference method
Write a program that provides an example of passing objects to function using call by reference meth...
To show the use of stack in function calls
To show the use of stack in function calls.
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Video updates on "consider a class x, which includes a virtual function called x_output"

Interview FAQ updates on "consider a class x, which includes a virtual function called x_output"

Consider a class X, which includes a virtual function called X_output.
Consider a class X, which includes a virtual function called X_output. The virtual function receives...
Define a namespace called ‘samplespace’, which includes a member variable,namely ‘p’
Let us define a namespace called ‘samplespace’, which includes a member variable, namely ‘p’. How w...
The declaration of a class includes which option
Optionsa) Declaration of data membersb) Declaration of function prototypec) Return statement...
What is the general format of calling a static member function using a class name?
Optionsa) class-name :: function-nameb) function-name :: class-namec) class-name :: function...
Which class does define the member function put()?
Optionsa) istreamb) ostreamc) streambufd) None of the aboveAnswer : b) ostream
Can I call a virtual method from a constructor/destructor?
Yes, but it's generally not a good idea. The mechanics of object construction in .NET are quite diff...
Which function call does invoke the following function prototype? float sub1(int a, float b)
Optionsa) X=sub1(5.0,6.5);b) X=sub1(5,6.5);c) X=sub1(5,6);d) Both b and cAnswer : b)...
List the Factors considered for project estimation in CMM
Factors considered for project estimation in CMM are1. Scope of the project 2. Technical Appro...
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