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Forum updates on "bind 9 only knows global ip but doesnt know internal lan ip whose private ip"

BIND 9 only knows global IP but doesn't know internal LAN IP whose private IP
I have a LAN for my office. I use only one ISDN lineas the internet access for my LAN users. As th...
IP Aliasing
I am trying to set up a small server to run from home and want to host a couple of web sites on it. ...
Error "IP Address does not like recipient" - Sending Email
Currently I'm in a small office with Linux Suse as the firewall andweb host and mail server. We ar...
Unable to determine IP address from host name
The following error was encountered:Unable to determine IP address from host name for www.symant...
How to auto log-in into IP Address using VBA
I need your help on how to use auto log-in into IP address10.245.45.52 through/using VBA.The p...
how can i generate ICMP in java and How can i change IP of outgoin
do hope u will be fine and enjoying JAVA.well i m working on ANTI-Dos attacks. i want to know that...
how can i change the ip add of the out going packet in tcp Socket
do hope u will be fine.friends actually i was asking about TCP/IP packet.mean how can i change I...
IP numbers
Is there a library function that lets me do:int value = add_one_to_ip( "" ) ;Sy...
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Article updates on "bind 9 only knows global ip but doesnt know internal lan ip whose private ip"

TCP/IP program to allocate & bind a server socket using TCP or UDP
TCP/IP program to allocate & bind a server socket using TCP or UDP.
Program to illustrate the different features of an array of char known as string
A C++ Program to illustrate the different features of an array of char known as string.
Problem you will be analyzing a property of an algorithm whose classification is not known for all
Problems in Computer Science are often classified as belonging to a certain class of problems (e.g.,...
TCP/IP program to cleanup and exit with an error message
TCP/IP program to cleanup and exit with an error message.
TCP/IP program to allocate and connect a socket using TCP or UDP
TCP/IP program to allocate and connect a socket using TCP or UDP.
TCP/IP program to connect to a specified TCP service on a specified host
TCP/IP program to connect to a specified TCP service on a specified host.
TCP/IP program to connect to a specified UDP service on a specified host
TCP/IP program to connect to a specified UDP service on a specified host.
TCP/IP program of iterative server for DAYTIME service
TCP/IP program of iterative server for DAYTIME service.
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Interview FAQ updates on "bind 9 only knows global ip but doesnt know internal lan ip whose private ip"

Selection structure is also known by which option
Optionsa) branchingb) straight linec) iterationd) None of the aboveAnswer : a) branchi...
Operator Overloading is also known by the term
Optionsa) runtime polymorphismb) compile-time polymorphismc) Both a and bd) None of the ab...
Data flow diagram is also known as - Select option
Optionsa) Bubble chartb) Data flow graphc) Both a and bd) None of the aboveAnswer : c)...
Which functions are also known by the name ?
Group functions and aggregate functions are the same thing.
If a class contains the objects of another class as its members, then it is known as - Select
Optionsa) Containershipb) Private inheritancec) Dynamic notationd) None of the aboveAn...
How do I know when my thread pool work item has completed?
There is no way to query the thread pool for this information. You must put code into the WaitCallba...
The declaration of global variables must be made in which option
Optionsa) inside the functionb) outside the functionc) in a function header lined) None of...
When you call a function by passing the address of a data variable, it is know as which option
Optionsa) Call by referenceb) Call by valuec) Call by two directionsd) Both b and cAns...
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