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Forum updates on "all frames and optionbuttons in a userform"

All Frames and Optionbuttons in a UserForm
I would like to loop thru all Frames in a UserForm and all of the OptionButtonbe set to a False va...
Dynamic userform - create nested frames?
I'm trying to create a userform that will display a nested set ofrules inside frames - each frame ...
UserForm.Hide & UserForm.Show (?)
Why is it, prior to doing UserForm.Hide and also knowthe UserForm.Top & UserForm.Left NEW data val...
Question about objects and OptionButtons
I'm just learning VBA in Excel and have been going through the books,but I can't find the answer t...
Multipage OptionButtons
I am developing a form where I have a multipage with six pages and a variable number of optionbutton...
using vlookup in userform
I went through the example referred by you. I testedit in my example. It is working and has solved...
Userform trouble
I am working on a small project from work. I have to create auserform that will take the input and...
Looking for a spell checker for an excel/vba userform textboxes
I am looking for a spell checker for excel/vba userform textboxes. I haven'tbeen able to use some ...
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