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Forum updates on "ajax in liferay"

Ajax in Liferay
I want to start learning to write Ajax in Liferay. Can anyone givesome advice about how to start o...
Add-Ins loaded into Excel
Someone please give me parameters for Add-Ins, some do's and dont's.What will Excel tolerate in th...
Liferay Calendar Portlet
I've converted Liferay calendar portlet to solar,but when I want to add event, the date of all of...
Problem using Ajax4Jsf+ liferay 5.1
Im using jsf + myfaces + liferay 5.1 ,but when i want to use Ajax4Jsf with my portlet in liferay,i...
Any Jalali view customization for liferay datepikcer?
Has anybody changed (or created new)Liferay(4 OR 5)date pickerinorder to support Jalali Calendar V...
Liferay Portlet mode
I wantto change liferay portlet mode in my code, would you mind helpingme by some example! Im usin...
multi language liferay jsf portlet
I create liferay jsf portlet. It is working correctly but I have a problem.I use multi resuorce bo...
need to outsource some small Liferay Projects, company or individual
our company wants to outsource some of its small liferay development tasks,all individuals and com...
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