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Can Apple win the Smart Phone battle without Steve Jobs?


In recent years, Apple has gain lots of attention, with IPhone, IPad and other revolutionary product, Apple has seen lot of gain in it's share prices, but question is Can Apple keep wall street investor happy without Steve Jobs?

Its hard to say here
1) Missing the flavor of Innovation from Steve Jobs.
2) Global Slow down can affect.
3) Popularity of Android OS from Google.
4) Apple's product are more expensive as compared to its competitors.
5) Tough competition from competitors like Samsung and Nokia. Samsung claims to have sold 50 millions smart phones in recent period.
6) iPhone maker failed to meet the forecast, even though it posted a healthy 21% increase in profit.

Despite all the above factors Apple can win the Game.
1) Apple has history of changing game.
2) People still loves Apple product and brand.
3) Innovation of Steve will definitely be missed, but Company is run by team of people who love making apple product and yes they are alive, they are focused and more confident with way Apple has made progress in recent years.

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