


Resource TypePosted On
Script to make File and Directory Management Operations menu based : Display Cur...Sep 15
Shell script to check whether inputted directory is in current directory or notJun 07
Shell script that prints names of all sub directories present in the current...Dec 19
Shell script that prints names of all sub directories present in the current...Oct 14
Select Query Jul 21
Where clause with select queryFeb 03
Retrieving Columns with SELECT and FROMApr 25
Example to concatenate a string using select queryAug 09
Example to find employees from state 'Delhi' using select queryJul 10
Display items having item price between 100 to 500 using select queryJun 26
Display item details in descending order of item price using order by clause in ...Mar 16
Example to provide insert and select privilege of item table to a user using...Oct 19
How to perform SELECT ALL Data function in OracleJan 04
Program to find the roots of an equation ax2 + bx + c = 0Nov 29
Program to obtain roots of a quadratic equationDec 16
Program to prepare Square Root Table Aug 15
Program to generate SQUARE ROOT tableAug 03
How to create a directory and remove a directory?Jun 07
Write a shell script that takes a file names as a argument and deletes this file...May 03
Perform directory operations like display current , list, Make, Change directory...Jul 13
write a script to delete zero sized files from a given directory (and all its...Mar 21
Shell script to perform operations like display, list, make directory and copy, ...May 12
Program to find the current working directoryJan 24
Listing file and directories command - lsAug 18
Show current directory - pwdDec 07
Changing current directory - cdFeb 21
Removing files and directories - rmJun 06
Create a directory - mkdirOct 24
Remove a directory - rmdirMay 18
Copy file and directory subtrees - cpOct 29
Move or Rename file and directories - mvJan 19
List all hidden files in current directoryJun 02
Display your current working directoryDec 04
Remove entire directory structureDec 02
Which command given information of present working directory?Nov 14
Menu driven telephone directory programApr 12
How delete directory with files? Mar 31
Program that maintains telephone directoryDec 19
Program to display bill receipt based on customer information and create teleph...Mar 21
File handling program to display directory contentsMay 01
Program to make directoryMay 09
Program of telephone directoryMay 22
Program of telephone directory that provides append, find and display all record...Dec 31
Program to delete a specified Directory using Interrupt 21hJul 30
Electronic Telephone Directory - File Handling and GraphicsNov 05
Display customers detail in a ascending order of customer name using order by cl...Jul 26
Example to find total value of each item based on current stock using multiplica...Jul 24
Program that takes a number from user and calculates its logarithm value to the ...Apr 14
Program that takes a number from user and calculates its logarithm value to the ...Aug 03