Resource Type | Posted On |
Shell script which whenever gets executed displays the message “Good Morning/Goo... | May 31 |
EXECUTE | May 06 |
Develop a simple calculator with addition, subtraction, multiplication and divis... | Feb 27 |
Execute the command which display login name, the name of your terminal and date... | Oct 10 |
Write a shell script, which displays a list of all files in the current ... | Mar 24 |
Program to simulate process synchronization, call wait function so that the exec... | Jul 25 |
Program to create a shared memory and print the id of the shared memory | Jul 26 |
Program to add 4 integer values using 2 processes | Jul 27 |
Program to copy elements of one array to another for n number of processes | Jul 28 |
Program to copy elements of one array to another for n number of processes | Jul 29 |
Program to add the corresponding index value of two arrays and result is stored ... | Jul 30 |
Program to display alert on click of link | Nov 25 |
Program to covert number from one base to another like binary, octal, hexadecima... | Nov 08 |
Simple program to display alert onload event of page or browser | Aug 17 |
Program to add two numbers | Nov 02 |
Program to multiply two numbers | Dec 12 |
Program to compare number is greater than 100 or not using if statement | Sep 29 |
Program to calculate average of numbers given by user using while loop | Dec 29 |
Program to fine solution of QUADRATIC EQUATION | Sep 26 |
Program that shows how to perform explicit cast of a variable | Dec 10 |
Program to calculate sum of terms of 1/n i.e. 1/n + 2/n + 3/n and so on till n/n | Aug 15 |
Program to print multiplication tables using do while loop | Aug 17 |
Program to print values of 2 raise to power N, N and 2 raise to power -n | Sep 22 |
Program to print string in different pattern | Aug 03 |
Program to perform sorting on words or string values using for loop | Oct 29 |
Program to calculate x raise to y or power(x,y) using while loop | Aug 08 |
Program to print number N times using for loop | Dec 26 |
Program to print address of a variable using & operator | Aug 15 |
Program to print address of a variable using & and * operators | Sep 18 |
Program to exchange numbers using pointers | Dec 16 |
Program to perform file read and write operations | Oct 17 |
Program to writes numbers in a file and read and find odd or even numbers from i... | Nov 16 |
Program to add to matrices using pointers | Sep 01 |
Program to read numbers from two files using fscanf function and write it in ano... | Dec 08 |
Program to add record in a file, search record by name telephone number and disp... | Sep 25 |
Program to receive marks in 2 subjects and output whether the student has passed... | Oct 03 |
Program to find whether the given number is a palindrome number or not | Oct 09 |
Program to compare strings, concatenate strings, copy string and display part of... | Sep 18 |
Program that will enter a line of text, store it in an array and then display it... | Nov 02 |
Program to find matrix addition, subtraction, multiplication, transpose and symm... | Dec 20 |
Program of matrix multiplication using function | Aug 14 |
Program of matrix multiplication using pointers | Nov 06 |
Program of matrix addition using function | Sep 14 |
Program that accepts characters in lower case, stores them in an array and print... | Dec 01 |
Program that accepts a string in an array and prints the reverse of the string | Sep 13 |
Program to find the length of a string taken from user without using strlen... | Nov 10 |
Program to append one string s2 to another string s1 i.e. concatenation of two s... | Aug 23 |
Program to concatenate of two strings without using strcat function | Sep 11 |