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What is the use of macro? How do we create macro in Excel?

  Shared By: Shruti Sharma    Date: Jan 20    Category: MS Office    Views: 26184


Macro is set of instruction which are stored in Visual Basic module which will make excel to perform commands and actions for you by running them. Excel can repeat a task at any time by using macro. It allows to perform repetitive and complex tasks which you perform regularly.The easiest way to create a macro is to record a macro, Excel stores information about each step you take as you perform a series of commands. You then run the macro to repeat, or "play back," the commands. Click Tools> Macro > Record New Macro and enter new macro name and short cut key and click OK. Then start the action you want to get recorded and click STOP RECORDING on stop recording tool bar.

Comment #1  Commented By: Anthony Raposo   Commented On: Jun 25

ihave simple worksheet. it contains one col with alpha and numeric data.
sample : 123456 orages, 78934 grapes etc.
my task is to creat a macro which will delete alpha portion.
what i have tried is : record a macro, F2 (edit the field) Home, mark alpha field (shift+cntrl+forward arrow key) del, enter. stop macro recording
this macro works fine but it copies the alpha field from the above cell. could you pls help ?


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