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Wikipedia to switch to ubuntu from Redhat and Fedora

  Date: Dec 17    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 419

Recent reports show that Wikipedia is moving from Red Hat to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS.
The reasoning is that they have in house support and don't need to pay RH for
it. This answers only part of the question, which addresses cost savings, but
does not answer why choose Ubuntu. They could have opted for Fedora or CentOS
and still be based on the same core and repositories. This is both curious and
fascinating. Does it indicate a changing of the guard in which other long time
users of Linux will jump ship or does it indicate that Ubuntu is coming of age
or perhaps both?



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 17    

Under Mandriva, a Fedora derivative I had Internet connection sooner than
under Ubuntu, still I like Ubuntu far more, its graphical interface is more
human, not so extraterrestrial and it is more usable. And I can find information
far, far easier and install and use a lot of programs.
One day I installed Fedora and in vain searched for info on how to install
programs from the repositories by using the command line.
Maybe, I am wrong, though.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 17    

One thing that really impressed me about Ubuntu occurred earlier this
year: the automatic and unattended upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 after I
clicked "Yes, do it" (or whatever the option was). I didn't even do a
system backup beforehand because I "felt" that upgrade would succeed.
And it did.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 17    

In a nutshell, Wikipedia's decision further confirms we all made the
correct decision choosing Ubuntu. :-)

Trends I'm seeing from the Red Hat/CentOS camp leave me cold; did you
know their Live CDs won't even work if you have a SATA CD/DVD drive? I
had to do a bugzilla on that (and still no resolution). Ubuntu Live CD
work on everything I've tried and is what I use to fix other systems.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 17    

They've worked on every system I've tried except my Toshiba 1805-S203
laptop. This is pretty well documented on the web for 7.10, but not
yet for 8.04. I found a web page that told how to do a 7.10 install
from an alternate install CD, and found that it was actually simpler
with 8.04. Still no live CD for me though. I've documented what I did


There is also a link there to the web page about 7.10 on this machine.

BTW, I used to be a ReHat/Fedors/CentOS user at work and home (I
worked as an HP/UX/Solaris/Linux admin). When I retired, I tried
Ubuntu at home, and haven't looked back. Even for an old CLI junky
like myself, it's just a better distro.

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