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ubuntu vs kubuntu?

  Date: Dec 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 481

I have installed ubuntu 10.04 (wubi under Vista). I would like to try kubuntu
and the KDE interface.

As I understand it, I can add the kubuntu package to ubuntu. Then can I switch
from one interface (desktop) to the other? Does it require a boot each time or
is there a run time switch?



7 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 03    

No. You log out of GNOME (Ubuntu) and at the login screen there is a session
menu. It keeps on changing so I can't tell you what to look for. I have KDE
(Kubuntu), LXDE, XFCE, Fluxbox and Enlightenment installed (just because I
can). :)

The look of the login screen will depend on which desktop environment you
have installed and which one of those that you choose to use. They all are
different which is why I can't say what the button looks like. Kubuntu's is
the most different.

First you need to click on your name and add password, but don't press
enter. The rest use a bar that appears at the bottom with a window that will
say GNOME if that was your last desktop environment that you used. By
clicking on the button beside it it will list all of the desktops that you
have installed. Just change it and not press enter of click the button
beside the login.

That should do the trick. You need to be careful if you are using WUBI
because you have a fixed disk size and you do not want to run out of space.
Try not to exceed 80% of capacity or you will notice performance

One of the great things about Linux, aside from all of the choice, is that
you don't have to defragment your drives. However, they can become
fragmented if you run low on space as you give the file system no choice.
The problem is that there are not any easy to use tools that can defragment
for you. So be careful.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 03    

The WUBI install asked about file size. I used the max value (30GB). I have an
additional 200GB I could allocate but I did not see a way to do that.

Is 30GB enough space to support both ubuntu 10.04 (GNOME) and kubuntu (KDE)?

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 03    

More than enough on the provision that you do not use too much space for
saving large multimedia files. You can always save them to your Windows
drive as your home partition fills up. You can install everything but the
kitchen sink and still use just over 10 GBs.

I would not depend on WUBI too much. It is a great way to introduce a person
to Linux, but it is a large file(s) and as such it is subject to being
damaged by hard boots, crashes and viruses. You might want to consider
creating a partition and backing up your home folder to it using a utility
such as BackinTime. That way if WUBI gets damaged or even if you want to do
a full installation you can use the backed up home and copy data back should
you need to re-install or choose to do a full installation.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 03    

There is a option in the log in splash screen on what type
of desktop you like to log into.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 03    

Can I do the same with Mint? (install via Synaptic and then login to Mint)? I am
kind of taking a drive with several desktop interfaces to see which one I prefer
to use.

Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 03    

mint is an entirely different distro. It is based on Ubuntu but has
many differences including different repositories.

you would need to do a separate install.

Answer #7    Answered On: Dec 03    

No. Mint is a separate distribution. It uses Ubuntu as its core then changes
up the menu and adds some utilities and the restricted-extras. To get Mint
you would have to re-install.

It has its own version of WUBI. Can you have more than one WUBI
installation? I bet you can, but have not tried. I'll put that on my list to
try someday.

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