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time calculation

  Asked By: Bonni    Date: Nov 10    Category: MS Office    Views: 648

how can i calculate the the number of hours and minits and second
between to times for example
=curren time(now) - 15:25:00 = total (h:m:ss)



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Jay Brown     Answered On: Nov 10

As long as Now() is greater than the time  you wish to deduct, you can
simply refer to the cells concerned.

ie: the source cell d1 contains your 15:25:00
the formula will be =now()-D1
You will need to ensure that the destination cell is formatted to the
required time format.

If however, you are spanning midnight you will need to adapt the formula
=if(Now()>D1, Now()-D1, Now()+1-D1)
effectively the +1 is adding 1 day/24 hours.

Answer #2    Answered By: Rae Fischer     Answered On: Nov 10

how can i do if i have a live timer(clock) in cell D1 and i have
fixed time  in cell c1(start time) how to calculate  the rest of time
in b1(the end time)

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