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Threads - Basic question

  Asked By: Donna    Date: Mar 21    Category: Java    Views: 628

Please consider the following simple program culled from a book on
Java :

Class CurrentThreadDemo
public static void main(String args[])
Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
t.setname("My Thread");

We see here use of the following 3 methods :
1. Thread.currentThread()
2. t.setname() and
3. Thread.sleep()

Is there are any particular reason why Methods 1 and 3 should be
whereas Method 2 should be t.something ?
What is the underlying concept here ? I'm confused about this.

I have seen another example where the following code has been used :


where ob1 is a reference variable to a thread.

Can anyone explain this syntax and exactly why this syntax is so ?
(Note : I understand the concept of join() - it's just the other
syntax I'm confused about and don't understand.)



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Bethany Hughes     Answered On: Mar 21

I think at the first and third function called are static  methods and they are
called with tha class  name.
The second function is a non-static function which needs to be called with an

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Answer #2    Answered By: Herbert Weaver     Answered On: Mar 21

when you read the javadocs you will see that method  1 und 3 are static. So
you should access them in a static  manner. This means:
The setName is not static so you have to instantiate or get the correct
object before you call this method.

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