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What technoligies to study?

  Asked By: Phil    Date: Nov 28    Category: Java    Views: 552

I must admit that I´m less than a beginner ,since I don´t even Bought
my first java book.
But I´ve read almost everything that are printed here in Brazil,and a
lot of articles in the Internet.

I´m actually a Delphi programmer ,I basically write ERP and CRM
I choose Delphi in 1997 because it was much faster than Java for the
kind of applications I produce.

Now that Java is a mature plataform and Delphi is sinking.I´m having
problems deciding what technologies to choose .

What tecnologies should I study in order to create good ERP
I guess JSP is something that won´t help me much at first for

What free IDE to use?
What are the limitations of the Free IDES
(IBM for example distributes a paid version o Eclipse?)

SWT seems to be the right thing to me ,Does Netbeans come with SWT´s

I never saw a huge product here in Brazil projected and constructed
based in UML?

The majority of Java programmers(specially those who creates the same
kind of program I write Uses or not UML?).

What report Generator to Use?

My reports in Delphi are half procedural /half OOP.
I use banded report engines only for very simple reports.

Is there any open source ERP project made with NetBeans or Eclipse?

I know I should concentrate in the basics of Java and them decide
Ide to use but I´ve to buy books,make plans and etc.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Ruairidh Anderson     Answered On: Nov 28

Plz find my answers in CAPS (after the respective questions)

Answer #2    Answered By: Jay Richards     Answered On: Nov 28

i think you should start with a basic java  book.learn the core java concepts in
2 days .Then go for servlets and java_server_pages.download tomcat(from net,it
is free) install it configure it.use jdk1.4 , read  little bit javascript and
html and then after that go for struts.
go in this sequence to become a good java web application programmer.
1 core-java.
2 jsp&servlets side by side (html&javascripts(very little)).
3.struts framework(A technology that will be in boom in the days to come.

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