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Struts Iterating List

  Asked By: Rose    Date: Apr 18    Category: Java    Views: 873

I have a question related to struts i have two arraylist one list contains object with new information and one contains old information and both of them have same objects lets say A and each index have similar id object i.e... at index 0 both list will have object with unique id property =1 but there other properties can be different. Now on UI i am displaying it like this that property of particular object and it new objects value and old objects value.

Property Name New Value Old Value
Address ABC QSDF

similarly the list goes on. And both list have same id object on same indexes.
What my questions is using struts i am iterating on any one list lets say new objects list and i have displayed its values like property name and it value but now i want to show similar objects old value from old objects list, so i want to extract that object from old objects list from a particular index. How can i get an object from specified index from ArrayList using struts or is there any other way that i can use for showing data like this.



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