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how to show an Excel object in a powerpoint slideshow?

  Asked By: Idelia    Date: Jan 29    Category: MS Office    Views: 1171

What I'm trying to do is - display
images or other items/objects present in an excel document, in a PPT
slideshow. I have seen the embed object/link features in powerpoint but
what I want to do is a bit different:

I want to be able to display an image/objects from an excel file when
the slideshow is running, so that no images are saved with the ppt. I
want the VBA code (should this be ib powerpoint VBA or can I do this
from inside Excel VBA?) to be able to pick up an image from an excel
file (may be password protected) and show it during a slideshow and not
save the image as part of the powerpoint document.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Olivia Campbell     Answered On: Jan 29

Any help would be really appreciated, hope the question makes sense,
hope it isn't really difficult to do.

Answer #2    Answered By: Hariz Burki     Answered On: Jan 29

Unfortunately it seems that you are going to have to get this type of
information from a PowerPoint group. One place to try is the Microsoft
Newsgroups, they are typically monitored by Microsoft MVP's as well as the
Softies themselves. Good Luck!


Answer #3    Answered By: Bien Nguyen     Answered On: Jan 29

You need VBA help with this, it is doubtful a PowerPoint user group will
be able to assist. PowerPoint VBA code  is not as prevalent as say Excel
VBA. My suggestion is to write the code within PowerPoint, and when the
presentation reaches the point you want to include the Excel file  have
the code run, or have it run with the click of a button within the slide

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