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running servlets using the j2ee server

  Asked By: Elliott    Date: Mar 03    Category: Java    Views: 967

I am using the reference
implementation of J2EE from sun microsystems. Can anyone tell me
how to run servlets using the J2EE server given along
with it for testing purposes ?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Saxon Anderson     Answered On: Mar 03

Are you using Tomcat? If so, there are entire
books written on the subject. The best thing is to pick
up one of them and they have a detailed explaination
of how to use servlets  from that and JSP's
etc... A good one is: Professional JSPs 2nd
Edition www.amazon.com/.../sr=8\
_71_2/002-5232411-8070453 This book covers getting servlets and JSP's
up and
running on Tomcat (the sun  reference implementation of
Servlets and JSP servers). Stephen
McConnell http://www.crosslogic.com

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