watching this tutorial with a group online.I have java installed and the little circle just spins and spins withoutever loading.
Did you install Java with the Ubuntu Restricted Extras in 10.04.1 LTS or areyou using a different flavor? I am using 10.04.1 LTS and when I installedthe restricted extras, it "just worked" for me.
Im on 10.04 LTS and I did install the restricted drivers.Installed:Ubuntu Restricted DriversJRE 6 - dependent & independent filesjava-common
did you install the restricted drivers or restricted formats?the restricted formats is required and not the restricted drivers.
The only thing one installs is the Restricted Extras. In other languages, itmight translate into something else. There are no installable files called"restricted drivers" or "restricted formats."
The restricted extras does not include NetBeans or the Java developmentlibraries needed for the tutorial. It only installs basic java, not even SunJava.
restricted formats are enabled (like listening to mp3... playing flash withadobe flash player and so on) by restricted extras package installation.
I get that. But he is trying to run a tutorial and the requirements say thatyou need to install NetBeans and JavaFX. NetBeans is in the repositories anddoes not come in the restricted-extras. JavaFX does not come with therestricted-extras either and is not in the repositories. They have a websiteand a Linux client, but I have never used it.What he is trying to do is more than just play flash. It is a tutorial andhe needs to follow the directions.
Did you install NetBeans for JavaFX as it asks? I got a pop-up window thatsays Java Embeded Frame, but it was empty. I do not have JavaFX or NetBeansinstalled; just Java JRE.
I do have netbeans installed and javafx but, I must have missedsomething because I was getting an error. Im getting closer though.
does this helps? looks like there is a workaround needed to make javafxworks
Tell us if it is worth the effort.................
Are you using the Sun-Oracle Java, or the "Iced Tea" / openjdk packages?"java -version" from a terminal window should tell you.Last time I tried it (admittedly a long time ago), Iced Tea was not ready forprime time.
I installed Sun but I also have OpenJDK.I thought I installed sun....I think Ill uninstall all Java and reinstall it again and then reinstallnetbeans.