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  Date: Jan 23    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 332

can my router have anything to do with speed and bandwidth? past experience has
led me to believe that it ether works or it doesn't. (usually the lights wont
come on) i have been having issues with verizon since 4-8.



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 23    

Your router should be able to accept and transmit data pretty much as fast as
you can throw data at it, up to its maximum rated speed. I think it's highly
unlikely that your router is responsible for what you're experiencing, unless
it's dying on you, in which case I would expect it to just die rather than slow
traffic down.

It may be that you're just trying to access a very, very popular site and the
bandwidth problems are actually at the server end.

Verizon, however, are known to have traffic shaping measures in place,
particularly to limit p2p, but they may have extended it to other services or
high usage customers. I would strongly suspect that this is the culprit and
would strongly recommend switching to a better ISP.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 23    

We had that trouble awhile ago with our cable modem losing
connectivity. Web surfing became like we had dial-up. Our ISP replaced
it for us and no problems since then.
We had to call them and they tested the modem from their end.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 23    

I had a Linksys router that died a slow and painful death. First symptom was
that it stopped streaming Pandora.

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 23    

My ISP had us set up for a high-speed burst on initial downloads that then
tapered off to a lower speed for long downloads. This really messed up the
buffering algorithms for Netflix. We had our ISP switch us to a constant-rate
download speed, and Netflix worked much better.

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