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problem about setting up NIS

  Date: Nov 24    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 468

Ive got a problem about setting up NIS in my Lab Network, ive just
installed Redhat Linux 7.3 and these are the steps i run on both
server and client side:

Server Side:

server# domainname slinux
server# /etc/rc.d/init.d/ypserv start
server# /usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m
server# cd /var/yp;make

Client Side:

client# /etc/yp.conf: domain slinux broadcast (what i write
in /etc/yp.conf file)
client# domainname slinux
client# /etc/rc.d/init.d/ypbind start

but just as we run the last command /etc/rc.d/init.d/ypbind start we
encounter with this message:

Bind.ging to the NIS domain [OK]
Listing for an NIS domain server ................... [failed]

what im missing in my configuration steps or what might be wrong??
im already compeletly mixed up cos its my first expirence, id
apreciate any guides or hints from experts cos we urgently need the
networkd to be up.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 24    

when you type domainname do you get anything back?
try not using broadcast

Answer #2    Answered On: Nov 24    

now, as we execute this command on client side

client# ypcat passwd

we encounter this message:
no such map passwd.byname. Reason: Can't communicate with portmapper

whats up now?
we would apreciate any help or guides...
(we have used broadcast method in yp.conf)

Answer #3    Answered On: Nov 24    

Check the list of other services that ypbind depends on and make sure
that they are all running. portmap is one of them.

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