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problem with deploying a web application

  Asked By: Elliott    Date: Mar 02    Category: Java    Views: 639

i have achieved a web application using JSF, that is only doing some calculation, and that using Netbeans ( with GlassFish as a server).

then i installed Tomcat in an other PC and i tried to deploy this application in it, i put the application file in the C/programs/Apache.../tomcat/webapps and i called it in a browser :

http://localhost:8080/project/faces/welcome.jsp " since now everyting went just fine

but when i use the application the result of the calculation is wrong. and i don't understand why, because in my computer the result is everytime right.

please anyone who could tell what is the problem, and what am i doing wrong.



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Alfonso Martin     Answered On: Mar 02

what is the calculation???????????????

Answer #2    Answered By: Amir Shaikh     Answered On: Mar 02

it's a litte bit complicated to explain, i'm working on this project for a company.

all you have to do is to enter some variables, and the application  do the calculation  by respecting a number of constraints. it's a simple code.

and what drive me crazy is that is working well in my computer  ( the result  is always right ) , and not in theirs.

so please if you have any idea why, i will be grateful for you help.

Answer #3    Answered By: Abriana Rossi     Answered On: Mar 02

how can I help when you can't tell any thing about your code?
of course there is some thing wrong  either in your code, or in the system system setting,
try to make sure that some class file  name is not used by other one on their system.

Answer #4    Answered By: Mario Ryan     Answered On: Mar 02

thank you for your help, but the problem  was really ironique it was the date in their system " i don't know why  it went everytime to 2002 ".

So when i corrected the date the calculation  was right.

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