Ive been having problems when i copy a .DAT file. It always returns anI/O eror message. Can somebody help me?
Not sure where you were copying to, but if a very large file and youare trying to copy from an EXT3 to a FAT32 drive, for example, youwould get an error. In this case the large file could be copied to anNTFS partition but not the FAT32.
I copied it from a cd to my ntfs partition. when i looked at thefile's size from ubuntu, it was different when i looked at it fromwindows. So, i always use windows 2 copy .dat file (not good)
My I ask what type of .dat file are you trying to crack?
I tried to copy a film. (not pirating though...he5x..)Well, i really want to kick of Windows out off my laptop..and so far,my Hardy Heron runs fine..so pliz help me with this one
What were the EXACT numbers? A major difference?Some OSes will report 1024, others round off to a thousand.