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possibly undocumented features in Ubuntu 11.1

  Date: Feb 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 476

Though I say that tongue in cheek because
amongst my peers I am not really that geeky. Just to non-computer types.

I am messing around with Ubuntu 11.1 and enjoying the heck out of it.

My inner geek loves it's logic and design. As a girl, I have the kitten
attracted to the tin foil ball syndrome at how well everything renders
on screen....."oooooooo shiny sparkly.........'

I keep accidentally stumbling upon hot keys and such. Is there a list
somewhere other than under keyboard features, that you know of?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 07    

My daughter tells me and her sister she suffers from ADOS, (Attention
Deficit Oh Shiny)
or as I call it Golden Retriever Syndrome, as shown in the movie "UP" by

Sorry but I couldn't help myself, and I too keep finding things I didn't
know about, and I
don't know how to help other than to suggest trying Google to find a web
site that may have
a list of Ubuntu Hot Keys, maybe google that term or something like it.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 07    
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