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PCSX2 problems...

  Date: Dec 19    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 359

I am having a very frustrating problem getting PCSX2 working. I insert
the PS2 dvd into my DVD drive, open up PCSX2 and select, "Open CD". It
then freezes up for a minute or two and then just disappears. I opened
PCSX2 from the terminal and here is the following output I got from the
terminal: *#*#*#*#*#*#@*#*#*#*#*#:~$ pcsx2

F1 - save state
(Shift +) F2 - cycle states
F3 - load state
F10 - dump performance counters
F11 - save GS state
F12 - dump hardware registers
PCSX2 v0.9.4 save ver: 7a30000f
EE pc offset: 0x2a8, PSX pc offset: 0x208
CPU vender name = GenuineIntel
FamilyID = 9
x86Family = Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.80GHz
CPU speed = 2.803 Ghz
x86PType = Standard OEM
x86Flags = bfebfbff
x86EFlags = 00000000
Detected MMX
Detected SSE
Detected SSE2
Not Detected SSE3

** (<unknown>:7629): WARNING **: Couldn't find pixmap file: pcsxAbout.bmp
EE Recompiler data reset
Bios Version 1.60



GIF reset
Framelimiter rate updated (UpdateVSyncRate): 60 fps
ZeroGS: creating
ZeroGS: Only Singlebuffered Visual!
ZeroGS: glX-Version 1.2
Segmentation fault

Can somebody please translate to me what that output means? Is it an
issue with the bios file(s) I have or what? Please help me! I would
love to run my PS2 discs on my computer using Ubuntu, as opposed to
going into the hard drive of mine that I have Windows installed onto and
using an emulator in there.



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