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cannot open file

  Asked By: Viveka    Date: Aug 27    Category: MS Office    Views: 708

I have an excel file that I have set passwords to open (one to open and one
to edit).... I have been using the file for months now but yesterday when I
went to open it I didn't even see the password log in screen. I got the
following error:

filename.xls cannot be accessed. the file may be read-only, or you may be
trying to access a read-only location. Or the server the document is stored
on may not be responding.

the file is located on a memory stick (though I did copy it to a hard drive
location). i'm using excel 2003, and have tried opening it on my work
computer (xp pro) and my home computer (windows 2000 pro).. anyone have any
idea what happened or more importantly how to fix it? other files on the
memory stick open just fine (excel and other file types).

Please help, middle of doing some vba programming and this file has the code
i've been working on for months..



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