from sun swing tutorial "uiswing\components\spinner.html"
Object getValue()
Set or get the currently displayed element of the sequence.
Set or get the current Date for this sequence.
A spinner model whose values are defined by an array of
objects or a List. SpinnerDemo's Month spinner uses this
model, initialized with an array derived from the value
returned by the getMonths method of java.text.DateFormatSymbols.
Supports sequences of numbers, which can be expressed as
doubles, ints, or Numbers. You can specify the minimum and
maximum allowable values, as well as the step size — the
amount of each increment or decrement. The Year spinner uses
this model, created with the following code:
SpinnerModel model =
new SpinnerNumberModel(currentYear, //initial value
currentYear - 100, //min
currentYear + 100, //max
1); //step