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Navigating with Buttons

  Asked By: Colleen    Date: Sep 03    Category: MS Office    Views: 629

I am creating a specification Manual for vendors . This will be a
multiple sheet excel document where the first sheet will list the
product suppliers by name. I have 6 suppliers.

I need 2 buttons next to each supplier button1- "vendor Profile" and
button 2-"product list". Click "vendor profile" to get info about this
hit "product list" for a full list of products supplier by this vendor.

Finally click on a product and you get the product specification sheet
with that product.

So basically I need to create a button(s) and add code to get to a
specific sheet.

I do not know anything about VB

Any help, links, references , etc you can provide will be appreciated.

Also need to make the interface look professional



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Djoser Massri     Answered On: Sep 03

No need for code. Try the following:
1) Next to each vendor name, type in the next cell "Vendor Profile"
2) Make a new sheet  with that profile on, and name the sheet something
3) Back in Index sheet (Good name for this sheet, by the way), right click
on cell, select Hyperlink, and refer to a location in the workbook (in this
case, cell A1 on the Vendor Profile sheet you created.)
4) Good practice is to create  a link back to the Index sheet the same way.
5) Making it look pretty: Remove grid lines on the Index sheet, and space
things out to fill a decent sized screen (not larger fonts, just a few blank
lines between entries). Design for 800x600 if you can, else 1024x768. Not
everyone has 24" widescreen monitors.

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