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  Asked By: Shannen    Date: Nov 02    Category: C Programming    Views: 480

Create a program for the different operations of a Linked List.
Your program will ask the user to choose an operation.
1. Create a List
-Ask the user how many nodes he want.
-Enter the element/s
-Display the list
-Back to menu
2. Add at beginning
-Ask for the element to be inserted.
-Display the list
-Back to menu
3. Add after
-Ask for the element to be inserted.
-Ask for the position AFTER which the element is to be inserted
-Display the list
-Back to menu
4. Delete
-Ask for the element (data) to be deleted
-If found: delete the node with that data.
-If multiple values, delete only the first element found
-If not found: display that the element is not found
-back to menu
5. Display
-Display the list
6. Count
-Display the number of elements
7. Reverse
-Reverse the list and display it
8. Search
-Ask the user for the element (data) to be seaarched
-Display a message if the element is found or not
9. Quit
-Exits the program



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