I have a problem with my jsp.I am creating an application that uses jsp and microsoft sql.I have a text area field to store the text resume of our applicants.Whenever i will try to insert the values inserted in the text areawhich is really really long it gets chopped off in the databasefields.I have specified in the database field the data type of ntext.
are checked the data type of the field in you database?'coz i think that's the problem
v\:* {behavior:url (#default#vml);}v\:* { BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml)}DearMichael,Simply,status code 404 means " Resource not found" so I guess your problemscoming from application paths.So,please check again your paths and every thing will be good
HI any one tell me that what is the reason of this error.HTTP Status 404 - Servlet jsp is not available---------------------------------type Status reportmessage Servlet jsp is not availabledescription The requested resource (Servlet jsp is not available) is notavailable.
Just offhand, I'd say that Servlet.jsp is not available. This does notnecessary happen only because the file Servlet.jsp does not exist, butmore likely because Servlet.jsp is not set up correctly in theappropriate web.xml file.