I wanna know where can i get information on how is an objectserialized file created, in order to transform it to XML.Does anyone have any ideas?
There are a few ways to achieve this1. You can make use of the JAXB (Java API for XMLBinding) url is given belowjava.sun.com/xml/jaxb/users-guide/jaxb-java.htmlThese set of API's allow the user to map an xml fileto a set of concrete java Classes allowing Marshellingand Un Marshelling from and to XML files to javaclasses.2. Write your own class that serializes and deserializes.First serialize the object and write into the filesystem by using the ObjectInput and ObjectInput streamclasses found in java.io packages.Then write your own class that makes use of a classthat takes in an object and writes an XML file backinto the HDD or stream.